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William A. Brock

Professor of Economics at the University of Wisconsin in Madison

Research Professor, University of Missouri, Columbia

Vilas Research Professor Emeritus

Economics Department

University of Wisconsin - Madison

1180 Observatory Drive

Madison, WI 53706​​​​​




Curriculum Vitae




Recent papers: 


  • Barnett, M., Brock, W., Hansen, L. P., 2020, “Pricing Uncertainty Due to Climate Change,”​ Review of Financial Studies, 33(3), 1024-1066.


  • Brock, W., Xepapadeas, A., 2020, “The Economy, Climate Change andInfectious Diseases: Links and Policy Implications”, Environmental andResource Economics, doi:10.1007/s10640-020-00442-z. 3.


  • Brock, W., Xepapadeas, A., 2020, “Regional climate policyunder deep uncertainty: Robust Control and Distributional Concerns, “Environment and Development Economics, doi:10.1017/S1355770X20000248.


  • Barnett, M., Brock, W.A., Hansen, L.P., 2021, Climate change uncertainty spilloverIn the macroeconomy, in Eichenbaum, M., Hurst, E., (Eds.), MacroeconomicsAnnual, University of Chicago Press, Chicago.


  • Cai, Y., Brock, W., Xepapadeas, A., 2022, Climate change impacton economic growth: regional climate policy under cooperation and noncooperation.Journal of the Association of Environmental and ResourceEconomists


  • William A. Brock, Bo Chen, Steven N. Durlauf, Shlomo Weber,“Everybody’s Talkin’ at Me: Levels of Majority Language Acquisitionby Minority Language Speakers, Economic Theory (forthcoming, 2025).




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